While servicing your espresso machine is important all year round, summer is a busy season and can be particularly hard on your equipment. We asked Technical Support & Quality Assurance Manager Bryan Smith for some expert opinions on why it’s important to ensure you don’t skip your summer espresso machine service. 

Don’t Skip Preventative Maintenance

There are a lot of steps involved in getting ready for a busy summer, including planning for seasonal drinks and ordering new ingredients. However, scheduling a service tech to check on your equipment before the summer starts is important. Says Bryan:

 “The summer months can often be some of the busiest in coffee shops and cafes. It is important to set one’s business up for a successful summer season by ensuring that the equipment that grinds and brews our coffee is properly maintained. Preventative maintenance is just that: preventative! This means servicing one’s equipment before anything goes wrong, ensuring efficiency and the best quality of coffee in your customer’s cup.”

two people work on fixing a linea mini espresso machine

Delayed Service Can Be Costly

When it gets busy and you start seeing an issue with your espresso machine, don’t delay having your equipment seen by a service tech as soon as possible. Small issues can become big problems if left unchecked. Says Bryan:

“Neglected maintenance of your coffee brewing equipment will inevitably lead to slower bar flow, a lower quality beverage for your customer, and the potential for down equipment. All of these scenarios spell a loss of revenue in one’s business. Ultimately, investing in preventative maintenance will always be more financially beneficial than paying for an emergency repair visit to one’s equipment.”

Be Proactive

Staying on top of cleaning and scheduling can make a big difference. Bryan says:

“Plan ahead and schedule preventative maintenance visits before the times of year one’s business experiences a busy season. On top of that, don’t forget to backflush, backflush, and backflush! Check in with staff and make sure the proper daily cleaning procedures occur.”

The interior of a yellow Linea PB espresso machine

Keep a Calendar

If you’re not sure when to schedule maintenance, you can work backward from how long it’s been since you installed your espresso machine. Says Bryan: 

“We recommend scheduling quarterly maintenance visits from your service technician. La Marzocco has preventative maintenance checklists for 3, 6, 9, and 12-month intervals to track what maintenance has been completed and what is due next.”

Reach Out

If keeping up with service feels overwhelming, Bryan has a few tips to help you stay grounded:

“Keep the preventative maintenance checklists for your specific model of machine posted or on file in a safe place in your business. Available here:  https://lamarzoccousa.com/support/ 

If you have any questions or would like to discuss preventative maintenance in more detail, please reach out to our technical support team at solutions.usa@lamarzocco.com or (206) 706-9104 x101. We look forward to hearing from you!”

Visit La Marzocco USA’s support page and or you can fill out our contact form with a support request.